Monday, September 1, 2008

Where did the summer go?

It didn't hit me until today that summer is over. Labor Day crept up on me like all the other holidays and special events that have come and go.

Since my husband passed away, I've found it difficult for anything to seem normal. Even my biggest passion, gardening in my Paradise, has been a dreaded reminder of my happy past. But you know, circumstances don't go away if you ignore them, and untended gardens turn to jungles. My biggest promise to myself has been to get my Paradise back to where I can enjoy it again. Summer marked its beginning which never really started. My Paradise was not to be the jumping off point to my new "normal". An overwhelming task that needs professional help . . . and lots of money!

All is not lost though . . . it seems like this summer has marked my way back to "normal" in many different positive ways. My other blogs have chronicled these incremental changes that have brought me to this place in life that feels like the beginning of many new changes.

I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I'm still around, but have not been very active in the garden and have not gotten out to enjoy the Florida sunshine like I will be doing very soon. I've spent most of the summer getting my online stores going again and getting myself ready to get back into the "real world" and getting another job. I haven't worked since April and I miss getting out . . . it is time!

Don't most hermits hibernate during the winter?

:) Happy Labor Day!