Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting A Cake At San Terri Cottage, Gardens Mall

I rant about the inconvenience of having to talk in English in my commets under my post : Japan's biggest challenge. The reason for the rant is partly due to after talking in Malay in high speed, I realized the two staff manning this shop didn't understand a word I said (like that time at Paddington House of Pancake).

Apart from that, the cakes here at San Terri are absolutely divine, despite the slightly higher price for them. Their cakes are not mass produced and made fresh every day, so I'm willing to forgo a little bit of convenience like being able to speak in my own mother tounge in my own country to frequent this place.

What do they serve here? San Terri Cottage serves coffee, tea and pretty cakes that are popular in Japan and Taiwan. It does seem to cater to Japanese clientele as there was a copied Japanese language article for their "Opera" cake sitting proudly on the counter. They do take special orders too, so you can order your cakes as big as you want.

It is located inconspicuously across Cold Storage at LG in Gardens Mall, so you might miss it if you didn't look for it. Just look for the Korean stall or Sushi Zen. Of course, you may need a little bit of patience with the staff but they are nice ladies albeit a little slow.

The cake counter. I took this photo while standing at the cashier, waiting for the staff to contact her supervisor about my query on ordering a big cake and wanting it in two days' time.

This is what I got. A 3 kg of "Chesnut" cake worth RM240.00. It was yummy! The cake did look better than this photo.

The "Footy" cake that I got for *lynne* of A Malaysian Abroad whom I have yet to send the photo I took with her at Coffee Bean. Soon, I promise!

p.s I actually have trouble getting even Zaini to understand me if I talk in Malay sometimes. He said I talk like I'm a Siamese (Thai) or something. LOL

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