Just a little bit of nonsense on a Friday afternoon.
I simply can't resist clearance item on sale. A TopValu soda drink bought at Jusco's clearance stock area. RM2.oo per bottle. Taste a bit like Kickapoo.
Buying this clearance item that is nearing its expiry date reminds me that I need to finish my last packet of Mugi-Cha that I bought at MaxValu supermarket in Osaka last year.
The expiry date is looming! Gotta drink plenty of mugi-cha in the next few days and I'm roping my colleagues to finish them with me.Pejoy stick (?) from Glico bought in Guangzhou. I was ranting on the fact that I can't eat them with Zaini earlier on. Anyway, looking at this made me think of the Glico Man in Osaka.
Plenty of tourists - Japanese & from overseas alike couldn't resist the photo op here on the bridge.
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