Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To Tetsudō Hakubutsukan (Railway Museum)

The Tetsudō Hakubutsukan or the Railway Museum is definitely a must visit for anyone interested in the trains and railways. We went to the now closed Transportation Museum a few years back and enjoyed looking at all the train exhibits there, so we were really looking forward to a visit to this Railway Museum.

The Railway Museum was built in Onari, Saitama City as the centerpiece of the JR East 20th Anniversary Memorial Project.
Paying our entrance fees using our Suica and Passmo cards. We also used our cards as our entry passes. So easy, convenient and avoiding wastage in issuing new cards or passes. Entrance fee was 1,000yen for adult, 500yen for Elementary, Junior High and High School Students and 200yen for children 3 years and above.
The centrepiece of the exhibition. 35 real train cars, including the six-car Imperial train form the primary exhibit. Almost all the trains exhibited there can be entered, so you get a feeling of taking all those trains. A truly exciting day for train nuts like us. You can bet we went looking at every single train on exhibit. On the first floor, you can learn a little bit of history of how the train evolve in Japan. Do note that while there are labels of the exhibits in English, none of the explanation were. But don't let that mar you from enjoying going through an important part (I feel) of Japan history here.

More photos of us enjoying our visit there next.

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