Thursday, February 25, 2010

EURO BUBBLES / Bobbles at Florida State Fair 2010

Never saw these before and the kids seemed to love them.  See link below for video!

They are huge inflatable balls with a zipper.  They are blown up for each person, they get inside and then tries to walk around in it in a shallow pool of water. 3 minutes = $7.00. 

There was always had an audience and it looked like everyone who tried it had alot of fun. The helpers were always in the pool to help the ones in the bubble get around because they always fell down after a step or two.

Guess I should have given them some of our rubber ducks to float around in the pool! 
Herbscraftsgifts eBay Rubber Ducks

Added 9/27/10  Just found this video on YouTube -  Video EuroBubbles

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