“KaTonga,” an Africa-inspired stage show that celebrates animal folklore which has been staged at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's Moroccan Palace Theater, will end its six-year run on September 6 after 10,000 shows.
“KaTonga” follows African storytellers as they bring you on a magical journey of amazing music and colorful puppets . . . AWESOME!
My boyfriend and I plan on visiting Busch Gardens this week to bid farewell to one of the best stage productions I have enjoyed at the theme park through the years. It is one of those productions that I never tired of and have seen it more times than I can say . . . it will be missed!
“KaTonga” will be replaced by “Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy,” a Broadway hit featuring aerialists, contortionists, acrobats and musicians which was nominated for “best costume design” by the American Theatre Wing will debut sometime this winter.
“KaTonga” will be replaced by “Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy,” a Broadway hit featuring aerialists, contortionists, acrobats and musicians which was nominated for “best costume design” by the American Theatre Wing will debut sometime this winter.
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