Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring has arrived in Florida!

One of the things I love most is sitting outdoors and watch nature in action.  The weather has been gorgeous and I have spent more time outdoors this week than I have in a very long time.  Maybe they were here before, but I wasn't paying attention . . . the robins have arrived!  They are the sign for me that Spring has arrived and I couldn't be happier!!

We actually reached the 80's last week and the air conditioner has already been off and on for a week or so.  I really love open windows!  The Captain and I have been busy cleaning up the property . . . he finished off the fence, so now the back yard is totally private :) . . . YES!!!  I AM HAPPY :)

Humidity has not arrived and I am very grateful for that . . . I can handle the heat without it.

I love living in Florida :)

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