Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Spring Garden Flowers

Spring is here in the Rockies.  Most of these photos were taken on 5/9/12.  
Bleeding Heart
Herb Garden before most of this years plantings with St. Francis and a planter of mint. From bottom left going clockwise - Rosemary, Oregano, Mint planter, Yarrow, Thyme and Basil. We had added Cilantro and Dill to this bed.  There is alot of volunteer Cilantro coming up from last years seeds.
Chives, Parsley and Strawberries on top level,. All these are last years and new ones from when they reseeded themselves.

Volunteer Johnny Jump Up

Deep Purple, double Lilac

Double Lilacs

Single Lilac
White Lilac


 Most all the bushes were here when we moved in.  The scent of the of lilacs is so strong you can smell it all the way out to the front street.

Next to do is the veggie garden and more herbs.  I have already made Chive vinegar and drying parsley!!

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