Friday, March 27, 2009

We've Left Lakeland, FL

It took alittle doing but we have headed north about 2 hours to Ocala where we spent last night and maybe 2 more nights.

On Wed. Gene disconnected everything and was ready to go get gasoline and to fill the propane tank. After he started the motor, the steps are supposed to retract - well they didn't. Johnny and Gene did alot of troubleshooting and could not find the problem.

Fortunately we have a friend who works at Camping World repairing RV's. (They are a large national chain for RV supplies and repair!) Gene called him and after going through all the possibilities again, they finally pulled out a cotter pin and manually put the steps up. Once the steps were wired up there tight, they will stay put until, we can get them fixed. The consensus is that the motor burned out.

Fortunately we had bought a sturdy, folding 2 step step stool, just in case something like this would happen. So we were good to go.

We left on Thursday and got onto I 75 north to the 1st rest area where we planned to stop and fix lunch. While I was doing that, Gene took a look around to be sure everything was OK.

He called me to come out to look at something. I asked if it was good and he said NO. Uh oh what now?

One of the tires on the tow dolley separated and the rubber had been flopping around for awhile. It bent the metal fender over the tire and broke the lights and reflector too. He did not notice any difference driving becuase it was so minor and most of the weight was on the rear tires of the van that were on the road.

The worst part of this is that Gene replaced that tire only a few weeks ago with a used (not retread tire!) ** Lesson here - Be careful buying stuff from small independents when you are visiting someplace and they know you will be leaving and they will never see you again.

When we bought the RV they offered us a soup to nuts insurance and road service policy. We took it so we just called them and within 45 minutes not only was the guy there, it was all fixed.

As my son said last night - if that is the worst of your troubles, be grateful and he is right. We had zero problems on the way down here and we are not the type to get even the least bit upset. Stuff happens, fix it, move on. No sense getting in an uproar about it.

So today Friday our friend Jimmy and Gene are going to do what they have to do, while I visit with his wife Danna ( ) and do and talk eBay ( or maybe go see John Travolta's house & shop. We are also going to make stuffed cabbage for her Grandma.

Right now the weather is the biggest factor on when we continue on and which route we take!! There are thunderstorms in the south and snow in the Midwest. Not only do we not want to drive this big rig on wet roads, we have to be concerned with pipes freezing. Right now it looks like we are going to stay as far south as we can along I 10 and turn north in New Mexico onto I 25. Problem with that is it is 400 miles longer!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

MaxValu Supermarket Letdown

MaxValu Supermarket Entrance (I nicked this photo from Zaini's site visit work photo collection)

Zaini went to do a site visit at one MaxValu supermarket in Ampang area. We were quite excited at the thought of a MaxValu supermarket opening as we had hoped that there'll be plenty of TopValu stuff on sale there.

Well, it is just a normal supermarket with just one aisle of Japanese stuff there. Our hopes that it'll be like this one below are dashed. So, it is still Jusco Mid Valley which has the best and cheapest Japanese food selection around town.

Raimie posing in front of MaxValu in Nanba, Osaka
p.s. that photo was taken exactly a year ago, today.

Anyway, did I tell you about the JAL fares? Couldn't control myself and went ahead and called our travel agent and with the low airfares of RM3,715.00 for the three of us; as opposed to the usual range of RM5,000 - RM7,000 airfare we previously paid, it seems too good to let go of. But fortunately, sanity prevails and I won't be doing any air ticket booking at the moment.

But it got both me & Zaini talking about going to Japan again! Wait for our update on when we are planning to go! Yeay!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sushi Sandwich Anyone?

I don't know about you, but this is the first time I saw a sushi sandwich. Interesting, but you won't be seeing me buying one of these in the near future!

And for RM11.50, I can get a nice pack of sushi with ebi, ika and ebiko (all my favourite).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Conversations In the Lift

It is mid-March. Soon, it'll be April. Time does fly. People seem to notice that I have not gone missing from work yet. Thus, these conversations were struck in the lift by fellow colleagues with yours truly.

Conversation 1
Colleague : It's school holiday already, right? You are not taking any leave?
Me : No, not till Friday.
Colleague : Eh! You are not going to Japan this year? I thought you go there every year?
Me : Er.... no, not this year.
Colleague : Yah, so expensive to Japan, right?
Me : Not as expensive as your trip to Europe.

Conversation 2
Colleague : Did you go to MATTA Fair the other day?
Me : No
Colleague : There are lots of good bargains for holidays. So, did you book your ticket to Japan yet?
Me : No, we're not going to Japan yet.
Colleague : Really? I thought you go there every year?
Me : No no no... Not this year

Conversation 3

Colleague : Ah! You are the person I was looking for!
Me : Indeed? Why?
Colleague : I'm thinking of vacationing in Japan. But it is expensive. I need some advice.
Me : Sure, where are you planning to go?
Colleague : Well... I was looking through all these travel packages and I want to know your input on them. By the way, when are you going back this year?
Me : Sigh.... Maybe no trip this year
Colleague : I thought you go there every year?

Conversation 4

Colleague : How come you are still here?
Me : Why? Was I suppose to be somewhere else?
Colleague : I thought this is the time you go off to Japan?
Me : Big sigh... no, not this year

Conversation 5
Supplier : Lina, nice to finally meet you
Me : Nice to meet you too
Supplier : Is it true that you always go to Japan?
Me : Eh? How did you know
Supplier : Your colleagues were telling me about it earlier when you were away on leave

Can you see the pattern here? Even though I'm trying hard not to be obsessed with Japan this year, there are *well meaning" people who keep on reminding me about Japan.

If I get RM1 every time someone asked me about my impending trip (or the lack of it) to Japan, I think I can finance my vacation to Singapore already. Hmph!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Flossing Monkeys

Japanese researchers have found a group of monkeys in Thailand who have taught their infants how to floss their teeth. A research team at Japan's Kyoto University observed the macaques flossing their teeth with strands of human hair. The team believe it is the first confirmation that wild monkey parents can teach their offspring how to use tools.

At least we human are good for something for these monkeys - be a flossing tool! LOL

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jogoya Promotion

Buy 2 Free 1 promotion at Jogoya. Hurry hurry hurry. Promotion ends Mar 31, 2009. If I decided to go, it'll be just me and Raimie so a bit "sayang" not to utilise the offer.

This free lobster dish promotion however, ends today.

We usually don't go for buffet be it lunch or dinner if there is no promotion like this. Would you go if you get full just by eating these?

A bowl of Sansai Soba

Or Ebi-don

or eating a Strawberry Parfait

My stomach is becoming small as my age advances but the wieght doesn't go down. :(

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hooked On Kamen Rider Decade

Zaini had been patiently downloading the episodes of Kamen Rider Decade for us three. Boy, we are hooked on Kamen Rider Decade now! As I wrote earlier, my favourite Kamen Rider is Den-O but at the moment, Decade come a close second to Den-O.

Kamen Rider Decade is the tenth Rider series in the Heisei era.The story is about all nine Kamen Rider universes merging into one, which will in turn destroy all the worlds. To help prevent this from happening, Tsukasa Kadoya as Kamen Rider Decade travels to each of the nine worlds in order to defeat the Kamen Riders of the other dimensions. The catchphrase for the series is - "Destroy everything, Connect everything".

I may have problem with the look of Decade (the suit doesn't look awe inspiring at all, and many don't seem to care much about the suit too) but I love the arrogant and cocky attitude of Tsukasa Kadoya (played by Masahiro Inoue) who is way cooler than the wimpy Ryotaro Nogami in Den-O. The way he "henshin" is so cool too!

Also, the opening theme song "Journey Through The Decade" is performed by Gackt and it is awesome.

One thing for certain after watching 5 episodes - there'll be plenty of Kamen Rider merchandises kids will want to buy.

Friday, March 6, 2009

JAL Kuala Lumpur 50th Anniversary Special

Man, I wish I can fly to Japan. Sob sob

Starts from RM1,350 for a return flight - now that's a bargain!

Get your JMB card ready and let's fly to Japan!

I'm sorely tempted to scrap our Singapore holiday plan and go to Tokyo instead! LOL

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting A Cake At San Terri Cottage, Gardens Mall

I rant about the inconvenience of having to talk in English in my commets under my post : Japan's biggest challenge. The reason for the rant is partly due to after talking in Malay in high speed, I realized the two staff manning this shop didn't understand a word I said (like that time at Paddington House of Pancake).

Apart from that, the cakes here at San Terri are absolutely divine, despite the slightly higher price for them. Their cakes are not mass produced and made fresh every day, so I'm willing to forgo a little bit of convenience like being able to speak in my own mother tounge in my own country to frequent this place.

What do they serve here? San Terri Cottage serves coffee, tea and pretty cakes that are popular in Japan and Taiwan. It does seem to cater to Japanese clientele as there was a copied Japanese language article for their "Opera" cake sitting proudly on the counter. They do take special orders too, so you can order your cakes as big as you want.

It is located inconspicuously across Cold Storage at LG in Gardens Mall, so you might miss it if you didn't look for it. Just look for the Korean stall or Sushi Zen. Of course, you may need a little bit of patience with the staff but they are nice ladies albeit a little slow.

The cake counter. I took this photo while standing at the cashier, waiting for the staff to contact her supervisor about my query on ordering a big cake and wanting it in two days' time.

This is what I got. A 3 kg of "Chesnut" cake worth RM240.00. It was yummy! The cake did look better than this photo.

The "Footy" cake that I got for *lynne* of A Malaysian Abroad whom I have yet to send the photo I took with her at Coffee Bean. Soon, I promise!

p.s I actually have trouble getting even Zaini to understand me if I talk in Malay sometimes. He said I talk like I'm a Siamese (Thai) or something. LOL