Monday, March 15, 2010

A Headstart In Planning For Our Next Trip To Japan

Both Zaini and I have been discussing about our  next trip to Japan and reading the brochures and pamphlets that we acquired during our visits previously apart from getting info online.

Does it surprise anybody that we are planning for another visit to the country? If you know us even remotely, it shouldn't be any surprise at all. Also, colleagues making small talk with me will inevitably ask about our trip to Japan in 2010. Heck! Even people from HR asked me about it since I needed a Letter of Confirmation from the company and will ask for one each year to apply our visas.

JAL currently is offering a really cheap airfare from KL to Tokyo at only RM1,250.00 nett for a return trip, with the travel date ending in May 2010. We are hoping the same airfare would be offered again later in the year because we can only travel when Raimie has a longer school holiday.

We've travel from Kagoshima to Kanazawa to Tazawako in previous trips, so the plan this year is to travel to Tohoku region (North East), with a return visit to Tazawako and spending a night or two there plus visiting a local festival. After this trip, I think we can start thinking about a tripto either Hokkaido or Okinawa.

A special aspect of the coming trip is that a friend of mine will be joining us. She'll be joining us on the second week of our trip because she can't get away for two weeks. As this will be her first visit to Japan, we won't take her to out-of the beaten path but rather give her an introductory course of Tokyo. She is an anime fan and loves to collect anime figures so she'll fit in just fine with us. (And she did mentioned that she'd love to meet Ultraman!)  I have a mission though, planning an itinerary for her. I'll try to keep her travel expenses to the minimum and if the airfare is low for the dates that we wanted, her 8Days 6Nights in Japan would cost less than RM4,000.00 and that's including her train fares, Disneyland entrance fee, food and lodging (and maybe a little bit of shopping too). We are keeping our fingers crossed for a good deal from JAL in their next promotion for the last quarter of 2010.

Another special aspect of this trip is that we've gotten help from someone in Tazawako for planning our 2nights there. "S"-san, domo arigatou gozaimasu!  I can't wait to finally meet you up in Tazawako!

BTW, thanks to those who still visit this blog despite it being rather inactive these past few weeks. Appreciate it!

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