Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 10 In Japan : Time To Get Naked!

The highlight of staying in a Japanese Inn is of course for us to have a dip (or a dozen dips) in their onsen or hot spring. Unlike the onsens in Nyuto Onsenkyo which we visited last year, there is no mixed gender baths or private baths here in Uematsuya. Not that we minded, though.

It is said that Bessho onsen is called "Bijin no yu," or hot spring of beauty. It is very good for skin and makes it very smooth. It also heals cuts, abrasions, bruises and neuralgia. You can also drink onsen water, which is said to alleviate a sick feeling. There were scoops in this onsen and elsewhere outside, around Bessho Onsen for you to enjoy the water.
The entrance to the bath area at Uematsuya. We get to try both areas, as the baths will be rotated at 11.00pm daily. Don't confuse and enter the wrong bath!
Indoor bath at both area. Handrails are installed for ease of use for those not so mobile i.e. elderly guests. Before you enter the baths, remember to clean yourself first. Just sit at one of the stools and shower away. Ample toiletries for your use are available.
The open air onsens. It was nice to enjoy the the night view while having a soak. During daytime, you get a sweeping view of the area.
At one of the area, at the open-air bath, there is a tub bath (taru-buro) for guests' use too.
Fit for just one person, this type of bath is rare in Japan. Amongst all other baths at Uematsuya, this one is the least hot of the bunch. So, if you have the chance to visit, maybe try a dip in this bath first before trying a hotter one later.

When I got in this bath, it was drizzling outside so it was really nice to sit in the tub, with my chin propped by tub feeling the rain water dripping beside me. I can only imagine how nice it would be if I come to this are when there are snow around. Must've been quite magical.

There is one beauty of a gender segregated baths as opposed to mixed baths - I managed to have my "me" time without the chatter of my son. Love him I do, but sometimes it's nice to spend sometime alone.

We enjoyed our dips in the onsen so much that we woke up at 4.30am and head to the baths!
And oh! For those not familiar with the etiquette of entering an onsen - one of the requirement is that you have to be completely naked when entering the bath. The only thing you are allowed to bring together to the bath area is this small towel, which is used as a wash cloth. This small towel is not to be immersed or dipped in the onsen water and bathers usually place it by the side of the onsen or on top of their head when they enter the onsen. Coming out from the onsen, you use the towel to wipe yourself before going back in to the changing area where you can use the normal "big" towel.

Well, my explanation might not be all that correct, so for better insights on the intricacies of enjoying an onsen, google them up. I'm too lazy to put any link up. XD

p.s. When I was holding that small towel in the last photo, I had nothing on except the towel in my hand left hand and my camera in my right hand. *^-^*!

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