Friday, December 31, 2010

Food Erasers And Lovely Friends

My Son has a whole gamut of plastic sushi erasers bought while we were in Japan; in Kappbashi to be exact. Don't they just look absolutely delicious? My son likes to play "restaurant" with those erasers and coerced Mommy and Daddy to play along with him.

He was absolutely chuffed when he got some addition to his collection by the Anna from Budget  Trouble  when the lovely lady came to Malaysia for a warm Christmas R&R.

I love my blogging friends. They sure are one generous bunch. I've gotten many souvenirs either sent by them or passed to me if we have the chance to meet. It's always a great surprise opening my mailbox and see the treasures I might find in there from one of them; sometimes completely out of the blue. Not to mention those who open their homes to us whenever we were in their part of town.

I am taking this opportunity to say thank you so much to my blogging friends and visitors for all those great comments, lovely souvenirs and kind gestures you all have accorded to me and my family. We are blessed.

Not too sure whether this qualify for an entry for  Budget Trouble : Show Me Japan but what the heck!

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