As we travel across country, certain things will remain with us for a long time. We stopped in this little town where the signs say population 52. From where we were all I could see was a motel, gas station and gift shop.
The pumps are at the top of a fairly steep hill -even more noticable because of how long our rig is pulling the minivan. The way back to I -40 is down the other side - which is just as steep and then straight onto the highway.
I am collecting magnets for the RV so I had to check out the gift shop. The man behind the counter was on the phone and there were 2 other folks int there as well as me.
When he hung up he stayed behind the counter waiting for one of us the check out. One man did, then me. My total was $8.43. He plopped the change into my hand - the coins and 2 fives - and walked away toward the back.
I looked down and said hey wait a minute, this is not right. He came back and said oh yea, here is the other $1.00.
Now was that on purpose or not? I don't know - but I would suggest to be cautious when purchasing something for cash in the little gift shop in Alanreed, Texas.