Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 3 Friday 2/6/09 RV Travels

Top Photo - Manzano Mts, east of Los Lunas/Belen, NM - what we looked at every day we lived there.
2nd photo - Catholic Church, Peralta, NM north of Los Lunas and south of the Isleta Indian Reservation.
After visiting some with Daniel's FIL, Bennie, and then saying our goodbyes, to everyone, we headed to Gene's cousin Nellie and husband Frank's house. Before we left tho', they gave us bag of homemade tamales, which will be supper on Sat. night.

We haven't seen them in over a year and there was so much to catch up on. They made a trip to NY last fall and then went on a cruise to New England. It was their 1st trip to NY and both had wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and the US Constitution their whole lives. Having been raised there and then just being there again for 3 1/2 years, there was lots to talk about.

After lunch we had to say more goodbyes and on our way out of town stopped by to see Gene's granddaughter at work. By then it was 3:00 ish. We knew we wouldn't get far but had to make a go of getting on our way.

We went back north to Albuquerque to catch I-40 east and got as far as Santa Rosa, NM. That is still about 75 miles from the Texas border and towns are far and few between. Even tho' we hadn't driven very far we decided to stop for the night so I could chat during Danna Crawford's ( radio show. But all the chatters went to bed before us so we could have gone further.

We parked in the La Loma RV park with all the hookups but since it was dark, we only used their electricity. Gene had not connected the other stuff before so we were fine the way we were. The analog TV antenna works just fine.

Now I gotta say, NM is the 6th largest state in the county and you can go for 50 miles without an exit off the interstate. With such a huge windshield the sky is sooooo big!

I made and froze spaghetti sauce before we left, so we had pasta with sauce, salad and Indian Bread. This is bread made by the Native Americans and baked in an horno = a hand made, beehive shaped, clay oven, built outside and heated with a wood fire). Oh man such a treat.

I wrote the blog and collapsed into bed, while Gene stayed up and watched TV for awhile. Alarm is set for 8AM!!

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