Sunday, May 10, 2009

Of TV Magazine, Ultraman And Yokohama Expo Y150

Another frivolous thing that we buy every single month apart from the gachapon toys is a children's magazine called Terebi-kun and Terebi-mag (terebi = TV). We buy them every month without fail and the bookstore's staff actually kept and reserved the two magazines for us to decide which one to buy every end of the month. We limit just one magazine per month for Raimie.

All three of us enjoy looking at pictures of the latest TV show in Japan and occasionally, when I tried hard enough, I managed to decipher an event or two mentioned inside (especially Ultraman) that will be held somewhere in Japan. Anyway, reading these two magazines is how we learn about new children TV shows in Japan which Zaini will try and download later for our enjoyment. Zaini practically downloaded TV shows everyday from Isohunt. And for us to go and visit a "Live Show" that is mentioned in the magazine when we visit Japan each year.

There was one "crazy" year when we went to Tokyo in summer just for the sake of going to Ultraman Festival (Ulfes) and meet as many Ultramen as we can.

Like the time we went to Ultraman Land and went beserk chasing all the Ultra Heroes there. To say we love Japanese anime and tokukatsu series would be an understatement.

And oh! Ulfes will be held in Yokohama this year, a change from previous festival venue which were usually held in Sunshine City, Ikebukuro.

Yokohama is having celebration for the city's port opening 150 years ago in 1859, called Expo Y150. Those planning for a trip to Japan, why not make Yokohama a stop?

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