Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Visa To Enter Japan

Just something to refresh us about visa application to Japan, if we need to go and apply someday. (For some strange reason, the Japan Embassy website is blocked at my office). Weird...

Read about the experience of me getting a visa last year here.

For Malaysian applicants applying for a holiday/transit visa, the documents required are:
  1. Original passport
  2. One (1) visa application form (downloadable)
  3. One (1) photo (4.5cm x 4.5cm) with white background which is taken within 6 months from the visa application and must be pasted on the application form
  4. Itinerary in Japan (downloadable) and for transit purpose, copy of visa to the main destination (USA, CANADA, etc)
  5. Employment certificate stating your position, department in the company and length of service(using the company letterhead)

    *If you are a sole proprietor/partner/owner of the company, you need to submit a copy of your business registration

    *For those who are not working: a self explanatory letter stating how expenses will be borne, name and relationship of person(s) accompanying (if any)
  6. Personal savings, latest current account statement, fixed deposit, Tabung Haji or Amanah Saham Berhad (ASB) (original certified true copy by the bank) (need to show the applicant’s name as the account owner, account number and current balance)
  7. Copy of marriage certificate (spouse) or birth certificate (children) to show proof of relationship between the main applicant and the person(s) accompanying
Applicants are no longer required to submit confirmed flight itinerary issued by travel agent. Instead of that, applicants must submit tentative itinerary in Japan where they do not have to book for ticket. Please take note that tourist/business travelers who hold a short stay visa are required to show return ticket at the entry point.

Although it wasn't mentioned above, we are required to show that we have at least RM6,000.00 per person in our accounts. The three of us should show at least RM18,000.00 to ensure our visa will be approved.

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