Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Asakusa - Night Shots

Asakusa is a quiet place come nighttime. A complete opposite from the hustle and bustle during day. The place is however, although not as trendy as other parts of Tokyo; is by no means dead. In the back alleys, there are entertainment halls showcasing local comedians and even adults theaters. Do you know that Nakamise Dori was originally a pleasure district during Edo era?
Kaminarimon (Thunder gate) devoid of tourists
Same goes for Nakamise-dori. When the shops were closed, you can enjoy the colourful shutters, portraying Edo period.
Other shops were closed too
As with Kappabashi-dori which went dead by 5.00pm

But fret not, plenty of watering  holes for you to wind down and enjoy a drink or two (or ten!). Plenty of place to find something to eat too.
Not too sure where this troupe is heading. To a nearby theater for a show maybe?
Fancy a yakitori?

At night, when Zaini ventured out alone for his "me time", Raimie and I love to have a walk around the area. And I love spending time at Rox, a department store nearby. I can find affordable clothes in Rox too! There used to be an Ultraman Club there, but it had since closed and moved to a new location. Way back in 2006, we would let Raimie spend a few hours at Ultraman Club almost every day when we were in Tokyo.

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