Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dinner Was Served!

Remember my posts about our stay at Uematsuya in Bessho Onsen? You don't? Well, check out the posts:
Day 10 In Japan : Checking In At Uematsuya
Day 10 In Japan : Time To Get Naked
Breakfast Of The Day - Seating With Legs Folded At Uematsuya
Places We Stay : Uematsuya, Bessho Onsen
Places We stay : Our room at Uematsuya
Pretty detailed posts about the place, eh? Uematsuya should buy me dinner one day for all these! LOL

We didn't finish covering all the places we wanted to in Bessho Onsen yet due to a pouring rain on the day we were supposed to go out an sight-see so maybe, just maybe there would be more visit/post on Bessho Onsen in the years to come.

We had a great time going out sightseeing around Bessho Onsen in the evening and with dinner arranged to be served at 7.00pm, we made sure we are back to our room by the allotted time. Dinner was served in our room instead of a dining hall. 
Raimie, happy it was dinner time. He, of course got the kiddie version of dinner which included among others - corn on the cob, potato crinkles served alongside the chestnut jelly and his own pot of simmering nabe(?).
Part of the dinner served.

Don't be fooled by the small portions. You'll be full in no time, because the food that were served seemed endless. They just kept coming! Not that it was a bad thing.
Random photos of the excellent food we enjoyed that night. Don't ask me what they were or what they were called. Our concern was just to avoid anything meaty. The lady server explained every single dish at length, but sorry - since I have no desire to sit at the dinner table with a notebook or a recorder, I forgot most of what she told us. Anyway, didn't I tell you my Japanese is negligible?

There were chicken stuffed with cheese served alongside the homemade miso paste in the menu which  we didn't eat and the nice lady was concerned about us not eating it; but  that's about the only thing we left out, no funky horse meat served here, like what we got at Taenoyu Onsen!
It sure was hard work finishing everything off. We simply couldn't let anything go to waste (except the chicken), not when everything was absolutely yummy.


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