Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitamuki Kanon Temple

Located in Bessho Onsen, Kitamuki Kanon Temple or north-facing hall of the Goddess of Mercy; was founded in the Heian Period (8th-9th century) by Jikaku, the chief priest of Enryakuji Temple, Hieizan. A rare construction in Japan with the hall facing north, it is said that if people visit Zenkoji Temple, which faces south, to pray for their future and happiness after death, and do not pray for divine favor for the present by visiting the north-facing hall of the Goddess of Mercy, their devotions will be unbalanced. 

If you remember my posts about Bessho Onsen earlier, we visited this temple on Day 10 of our trip to Japan.  More posts on the area can be found here.

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