Saturday, June 27, 2009

Have You Climbed Mount Fuji?

Apart from the countless questions on us three visiting Japan over and over again, people tend to ask me whether we've climbed Mount Fuji. The answer to that is, we've enjoyed the view from afar, but yet to attempt to reach its peak. I've gotten plenty of incredulous remark about me wasting my time going to Japan and not attempting the conquer the peak.

Some would go to the extent to tell you that you have not traveled Japan until you have scaled Mount Fuji. But do you know that only 1% of the Japanese ever experience climbing the mountain?

Of course, there is a saying that goes : "He who climbs Mount Fuji is a wise man, he who climbs twice is a fool" or "You are a fool if you never climb Mt. Fuji and you are an even bigger fool if you climb it more than once.”

If anyone is planning to climb Mount Fuji, the "official" climbing season begins on 1 July and ends on 31 August and it is most popular to ascend the mountain overnight to see the sunrise.

We'll leave Mount Fuji (or Fujisan) climbing out of our planning for now though. So, if anyone planning to do the climb, we are totally the wrong people to ask for tips! On the other hand, over 80% of the Japanese countryside is hilly or mountainous terrain so we'll hopefully be hiking or climbing something on our next vacation. Nothing too high, and instead of Mount Iwate, a hike to Mount Mitake is a consideration too. We'll just view Fujisan for far, for the moment.

Kak Lela of Awan Okinawa Berlalu, who resides in Okinawa did manage to make the climb in 2007. Bravo to her! For me, I think I'll head for Mount Kinabalu first before attempting the Fujisan. When will that be, I wonder? LOL

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