Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Off We Go To Japan

By the time you are reading this, we should be on our way to Japan; maybe just passing by the Singapore skies.

We are on our way for a fortnight vacation in Japan. Wohoo!!! (As if you didn't already know that, right?) Hahaha

I won't be totally cut off from blogging and blog-hopping, as most of the hotels we're checking-in provide free internet connection in their rooms. And I have to say, the speed we can get in Japan can certainly put Malaysia's internet service provider to shame.

Like last year, I'm going to try to post a blow-by-blow post about our daily activities in Japan followed by lots and lots of photos afterwards. That is, if no late nights for us and I'm not to tired to think. :)

Stay tuned, guys!

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