Monday, October 26, 2009

Ekiben - On the SL Ban Etsu Monogatari

Our bought ekiben in the SL Ban Etsu Monogatari-go. Read more about the SL Ban Etsu Monogatari-go here.
Instead of the food/snack trolley pushed by a train attendant in other long distance train, this locomotive has a shop selling food items, drinks and souvenir items. Customers buying things at this shop got postcards as free gifts.
We bought the only two ekibens that didn't contain "buta" (pork) and a miniature SL train. We had to wait patiently for others to finish their purchases before we can ask the shop staff about the ekiben ingredients. Lucky for us, the staff was nice and patient enough to answer all our questions about the food ingredients. We would have gotten an exasperated look from the staff and other customers if we were to do this in Malaysia (or any other Asian country).
Our meal - salmon eggs, lotus root, bamboo shoots, mountain vegetables, kamaboko, mushrooms amongst others. The green wrapped item in the ekiben in the front was dango wrapped in a leaf. There were actually pieces of chicken inside, but we just push them aside. :(
One of the ekiben covers had this train cut-out. A pretty nifty souvenir to bring back home.

All ekibens come with a pair of chopstick, a toothpick and a wet towel. A complete set to enjoy your meal without worries.
Our miniature train. Zaini is a train nut, both riding one and playing with them.

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