Friday, October 30, 2009

Ultraman Drinks For Raimie

One of the highlight for Raimie vacationing in Japan is Ultraman. We went to Hero's Base in Kawasaki and he was able to meet a couple of Ultra Heroes there. A post on that later (much much later). We came to know about these Ultraman drinks because of Farah's photo of it which she posted on Facebook. Thanks Farah!After passing by Dydo vending machines selling drinks which included cider drinks in an Ultra Heroes cans that Raimie cannot fail to notice, not buying one for him would be unsporting of us. We allow him to have a can most days and he got to bring back the cans home for his collection too. And the drinks cost only 100yen.
A happy boy getting his "reward" is a cooperative boy even when he's bored, tired or cranky.

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