Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting A Complete Breakfast At Toyoko Inn

All Toyoko Inn hotels in Japan provide free breakfast for their guests. Most branches that we went to previously offered Japanese breakfasts which consisted of onigiri (rice balls), miso soup and assorted array of pickles apart from green tea and coffee. There are exception to this. At Toyoko Inn Nanba guests were served freshly baked bread for breakfasts. For us, we love the Japanese breakfast!

For our personal experience, having stayed at more than half a dozen Toyoko Inn chain around Japan, this particular branch offers the most delicious array of breakfast. And that's why my tummy is getting rounder and rounder each day we are in Japan. I ate too much for breakfast because breakfast was such a feast!
Coffee machine in the dining hall, offering black coffee, American coffee and espresso. Coffee is available for guests to enjoy all day long. So far, this branch had the most coffee offered at the coffee machine. Previously at other Toyoko Inns, it usually was a pot of coffee made available at the lobby area.
One side of the dining area. The biggest dining area of all Toyoko Inn chain we've stayed in. But during the public holiday period, this area was so packed that guests were allowed to bring up their food tray to their respective room to enjoy their breakfast. After the public holiday (Sep 25 onwards) breakfast time was much quieter.Onigiri (rice balls), rice in rice cooker, furikake, pickles, miso soup and tea to choose from this table. Pretty generous with the buffet selection what with the Japanese breakfast of rice and miso soup but also bread with toaster available. The pantry ladies who were responsible for the delicious breakfasts were very efficient replenishing everything too.

We really, really ate well there.Bread with margarine and strawberry jam selection. Also available here are some Japanese style veges, salad and sausages with ketchup and mustard available.
Raimie enjoying breakfastRaimie's big breakfast on our first morning there. Pickles were a must for him and Zaini.

Our breakfasts on subsequent days while we were staying at the hotel. The ones with pickles were Zaini's and the ones with bread was mine.
I ate plenty of gobo while in Tokyo! Coffee, bread, onigiri, hot rice and miso soup. Hot tea for Zaini and orange juice for Raimie. What more could I want for a breakfast?

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