Friday, January 7, 2011

Black & Whites Part IV

Write on a tablet for your wish to come true?

My entry for this week's  Budget Trouble : Show Me Japan

An explanation by the excelllent Yoshi, that somehow got lost in the comment netherworld, for your reading pleasure. (To be read as Part 1 of his 5-part comment series) :

"As I commented earlier, Ema E(絵) means painting/drawing and MA(馬) means horse, is a small wooden plaque that, in principle, the image of the horse is drawn on one side and your wishes, desires, ambitions, dirty minds, and prayers are written on the other side. Don't forget to put your name since Shinto deity cannot tell who wished what".

And Anna & Yoshi, no - I didn't fell asleep. Enjoying the read very much. Thanks!

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