Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fish Boil, in Door County WI

Wow? Who knew??!!  I never heard of a Fish Boil until I started reading about Door County.  I suppose they are done other places but it is a tradition on this peninsula that lies between Lake Michigan and Green Bay. 

We were in Sturgeon Bay at the Comfort Inn and this restaurant was just down the road.  Fantastic bakery too.
The fish boil starts with a large kettle on a wood fire. 

At the right time the boilmaster puts in the carrots, little red potatoes and onions. The veggies cook for awhile and then the white fish is put in.  Because the fish is oily, an ugly foam and scum form at the top of the water
Just before the meal is finished cooking, the boilmaster and his helpers throw kerosene onto the fire (only).  It flames up, makes the water boil over and the scum and oil flow out of the pot over the sides. The remaining broth is clear and flavorful.

The flames settle down and the cooking process is complete.
The inner pot is carried into the kitchen for serving.

The white fish is from Lake Michigan.  They serve the steaks because the fillets would just fall apart in the boiling water.  There is also a side of coleslaw and bread. 

 We have eaten in alot of restaurants and alot of different food, but I have to say this meal is very close to the top of favorites.  Not at all fishy since none of the oil remained.  For folks who know me - Gene usually gets to share what I can't eat.  He didn't get any of this meal tho'!! 

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