Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dinner At Denny's

After our hike on Mount Mitake, we went for dinner at Denny's. Denny's is a family restaurant offering a selection of Western and Japanese. A part of the 7-11 group,  the branch we went to in Asakusa is located above a 7-11 store. You can't miss it if you are walking past with its bright yellow sign.

Not exactly a cheap option to have a meal here, our dinner set us back 2,440yen which was way more than our dinner at Yayoi-ken, even with side dishes. But the place is nice, the wait staff friendly and there's English menu available if you require one. We were given one automatically. Food wise: so-so. But it was nice and relaxing eating a meal here.

If you are ready to order, just press this thing and a waiter will hurry over to your table. Easy.
Raimie feeling absolutely cheesy having to wear a bib. The waiter made me wear them, Mama!
Raimie with his order; omurice which is short for omelette rice. It is basically tomato fried rice wrapped up in a mushy omelette. Kinda akin to our Nasi Pattaya I guess. Raimie said he prefers omurice better.

Mom and Dad had this. Being used to the generous portion at Yayoi-ken, the portion here looked kinda puny to us. Nevertheless, our stomach were full after so don't judge the food too soon. Generous amount of seafood and mushrooms in there.

When we were there, we actually had problems ordering because there weren't many things that don't contain any meat and were left with very limited choice to order. Where are the soba, udon and tempura that we had at Denny's in 2007? They weren't featured in the menu!

Our dinner ended with an order of sorbet ice cream. Raimie was a happy boy getting his ice cream.

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