Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Musashi Mitake Shrine On Mount Mitake

Continuing from my earlier post of our hike on Mount Mitake, we were now heading to Musashi Mitake Shrine.

The Musashi Mitake Shrine, located on the mountain's summit (929 meters) is Mount Mitake biggest attraction. Musashi Mitake Shrine is known as a symbol of the mountain worship and the Shrine is said to have been founded 2,000 years ago. It is is believed to have been established during the era of Emperor Sujin.

The shrine itself was a place of worship popular with Samurai and in the Homotsuden (treasure hall).  You can view yoroi (suits of armor) and tachi (swords) designated as national treasures, including the Akaito Odoshi Oyoroi (red thread armor).

Steps leading up to the shrine complex. More steps to climb...
Around the shrine. You can hear pre-recorded(I think) chanting while walking around the temple complex. There's a souvenir counter selling charms and amulets, but we passed on that.

Going down, much later. Make sure your shoes have good grip. :D

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