Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 - A Magical Day At Tokyo DisneySea

We were up bright and early on the second day in Japan because we were going to DisneySea.

We've already been to Disneyland three times and DisneySea only once previously, so this time it's DisneySea's turn.

You'll see this big globe once you enter the gate to DisneySea.

We spent almost 10 hours at the park, trying almost all the attractions/rides. Raimie was pretty happy that he is now tall enough to get on the roller coasters and even on the Tower of Terror ride which is now his favourite ride.

We managed to curb our spending at the souvenir shops but we did get something; both for ourselves and family. Do you know that DisneySea's anniversary on Sep 4th is also our wedding anniversary? We just had to get DisneySea's items commemorating the anniversary.

On the Disney Resort Line.
If you look at this photo, who do you think the woman Zaini focused on? The "aunty" in blue t-shirt or the hot mama in black shorts? :P
 Us, with Stitch.
The last firework for us that night.

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