Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Miss This... The Vending Machines

Every single time I needed to find a shop or convenience store just to buy a bottle of water and queue for them, I miss this. Or that time when I saw an out-of-order vending machines in KL, I miss these too.
Rows and rows of vending machines - they sell almost everything and can be found almost everywhere in Japan. Gotta love the convenience (and in good working order too)!

There are plenty of vending machines there selling almost everything under the sun but there is one vending machine I hope I don't encounter in any of my visit. Want to know what it is? Hop over to Chris' and check it out yourself. Not for the faint-hearted though (or prudes, for that matter).

And yeay to Anna and her Show Me Japan Vol 1 Issue 23. I'm late this week, but I wouldn't miss participating in this for anything! ^^

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