Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taking A Ferry To Miyajima

Once upon a time,we got a couple of JR Passes between us and decided to travel the length and breadth of Japan in a week or two. Granted, we weren't able to cover as much as we would like to, but we sure had fun using it, not only on numerous JR trains but also taking ferries. And one ferry JR Pass covers is the ferry  to Miyajima. And to Miyajima we head to one sunny day in 2008. We got lucky with the weather on the day we set out to Miyajima because it rained the whole day, the day before.
At Miyajimaguchi Station,before exiting and heading to the ferry terminal. Ferries depart every 10 minutes (170yen) and the JR ferries are covered by JR Pass. Don't accidentally take the Matsudai ferries if you have JR Pass!

Exit the station and just follow the sign, and you won't get lost trying to find the terminal.
Boarding the ferry.
It's sure windy on the deck of the ferry! But who wouldn't be up there for choice spot to take photos upon approaching Miyajima, instead of sitting warmly inside?
What do you think of when there's a mention of Miyajima?My first thought was of the floating torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine. I've never posted anything about the shrine or much about the island the year we visited it, so I should rectify it and put up a post soon, shouldn't I?

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