Thursday, June 2, 2011

Toilets, In Trains

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I read some posts at a travel forum some time ago, of some posters  asking about toilets, specifically toilets in Japanese train because they were worried about their toilet needs while travelling.

When you gotta go, you gotta go, so if course its important to know the state of toilets in some foreign places you are visiting. ^^!

Here are some shots of the toilets found in an assortment of trains we've been in. Trust me, my family has been in a lot of long distance trains in Japan and they are all fine. They are all clean, devoid of funky smell and most importantly; always in ready supply of toilet papers!
 Oooo... automatic door!
Random toilets in limited express trains and shinkansens.They sure look pretty decent, don't they?
And this - found in the sleeper train, Akebono. The one and only squat toilet I've ever seen in a train! Way funky! What's with the lime colour anyway?

If you find this, you'd be excused to be worried about using them. I wasn't so sure I can use them, myself. Squatting while doing my "big business" in a moving train? I think not! And I grew up using squat toilets! @.@

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