Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Things I Did To Celebrate My Birthday

A break from my posts about Japan.
The Wednesday, Sep 21st this year started swell for me; what with being inundated with wishes on this blog, FB and from friends and colleagues.

Thanks you all! You peeps really made my day. And I had a nice celebration this year too.

Celebration started a few days early on Sunday with an early morning road race.Yup, I entered a 10K race for my birthday. ^^
Never forget to smile for the camera even when you are exhausted from the run! xD
I can now officially enter some races under the Women Senior Category, instead of Women Open. Nothing made you feel young and sprightly than being called a "Veteran" you know. ( ´,_ゝ`)

I'm supposed to run another race (it's a charity run) this Sunday to celebrate me getting older but I don't think I can make it. :(
That Sunday afternoon was also spent over at my Sis' house. My niece shares the same birthday as me and my brother-in-law's (the Daddy) birthday is on Sep 22. Plenty of celebration. 

On Wednesday, at the office, I had already informed colleagues that I have no intention to celebrate, eat out  since I don't eat heavy lunch or even cut cake. But the ladies surprised me by buying this:
And this:
My Boss even gave me a present though it was nice, the mention of "Age Defying" on the label of the expensive creams is kinda.... making me feel old. q(;^;)p

Zaini took us out and we had dinner at Tony Roma's. I was craving for some protein and eating those succulent ribs there sure hit the spot. Yum!
Today, on Zaini's birthday; we are spending the morning over at Japan Embassy, applying our visa. Then, it's off for a 3D2N "staycation" at a nearby hotel. 

See you when I see you! *^-^*

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