Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sleeping On The Floor?

One of the highlight staying at a Japanese Inn/ryokan for us apart from enjoying the hot spring/onsen is sleeping on futons. Futon consisted of shikibuton (under/bottom mattress) and kakebuton (comforters/quilted bedcover). Different type of futon are used depending on season (and personal preference).

If we are to use a futon here in Malaysia, instead of a thick bedcover (of course, it wouldn't be a problem if one is sleeping in an air-conditioned room), we would use just a mofu (blanket). I always wanted to have buckwheat pillows to use at home, but I can't seem to find them here. There are pillows with pockets of buckwheat but it didn't feel the same. I noticed that I sleep really well using these buckwheat pillows.
Futons laid out for us to sleep on, after dinner.
Raimie, feeling so comfy and happy on his futon. Kids love this, I bet.
He's certainly slept well on futons. Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

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