Friday, November 6, 2009

Street Food At Yoyogi Park

Out of desperation due to the packed crowd that Sunday on Sep 20th, which happened to be a long weekend (Silver week) in Japan, we weren't able to find any decent place to have lunch that did not require us queuing for our seats. The huge crowd felt like the whole Tokyo population just came out to play outside that day. @_@

It was a really hot, sunny day and pretty soon we got a tired boy walking slowly, needing fluids to quench his thirst and food for his empty stomach. What to do when you are really tired from the hot day and all the eateries were jam packed with people? Out of desperation, we opted for street food. They weren't exactly cheap, but hungry stomach cannot be too choosy! And I'm not a nice person when I'm hungry, a fact that Zaini is fully aware of.
Yoyogi Park was abuzz with people on Sunday and more so that Sunday due to a Vietnam fair held there.

We just chose a quiet spot away from the Vietnam fair to have our lunch. After our walk in Shibuya and Omotesando, we had enough with crowds by now.Our lunch. Okonomiyaki, yakisoba and takoyaki. I'm sorely missing the Osaka takoyaki. Those takoyaki were sooooo nice!
We decided not to board the train at Harajuku because the station was already bursting with people and walked further ahead and use the subway instead. We made a stop at Yodobashi-Akiba and Raimie got to buy a few toys. A treat for him for being such a good boy today.

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