Monday, November 22, 2010

Breakfast Of The Day - Seating With Legs Folded At Uematsuya

I posted about our stay at Uematsuya and enjoying the onsens earlier. After spending the evening soaking in numerous onsens, we woke up refreshed and with an excellent appetite. We had dinner served in our room the night before but for breakfast, it was served in a traditional Japanese-style dining room.
The tables set for guests to enjoy breakfast.  If you have trouble sitting with your legs folded, don't wear a yukata to breakfast. You'll have a hard time hiding any body parts you don't want other guests to see. 
Our breakfast that morning. All those in the photo are a portion for one person. The breakfast served here was less elaborate than what we had at Taenoyu Onsen last year but still, it was a really good breakfast.

Some close-ups.
You know I am very much pampered by my husband when instead of me serving the rice, it is always him handling this task even at home.

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