Monday, November 29, 2010

Tokyo Sky Tree

The Tokyo Sky Tree is a is a broadcasting, restaurant, and observation tower and is expected to be open to public by Spring 2012. 

Even before its completion, the Tokyo Sky Tree has become an attraction for visitors to Tokyo. Construction of the tower is scheduled to be completed by December 2011 at a record height of 634 meters, making it surpassing Tokyo Tower which stands at 333 meters. 

Tourists are already flocking to take photos of the yet to be completed tower and restaurants are selling tower-themed menu items.  We didn't go near the tower while we were in Japan in September but as we were based in Asakusa, the tower majestic height can be seen from almost every street in Asakusa. We can't miss it, jutting out and dominating the skyline. We saw locals and tourists alike stopping and photographing the tower from almost every angle.

Like I said, we didn't go near the tower but we managed to get a few shots of Tokyo Sky Tree from various places in Asakusa. Of course, the tower is in the background of every photo.

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