Thursday, November 11, 2010

There's Beauty Everywhere If You Look For It

If anyone remembers, I wrote a post about going on a m mission to find cool manhole covers while vacationing in Japan. If you don't, check out the post here. The mission was inspired by  Jamaipanese's post on similar subject.

We didn't cover many cities in this trip and I missed the chance to photograph a couple of the manhole covers in Sendai and Kawasaki but here are my findings during our trip in September. Enjoy!
 Akita City, featuring the paper lanterns on poles
 Bessho Onsen's manhole cover - even the fire hydrant cover with the fire truck looks cute.
 Matsushima's featuring the view of the bay
 Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Ueda City

I am definitely looking forward on going drainspotting and looking for more manhole covers  in our next trip to Japan. What? You didn't think I'm done with Japan yet, did you? XD

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