Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ogawamachi For A Day!

Day 13 is like a non-event. We spent more than half a day at Ogawamachi, climbing up steps after steps into/up the numerous sporting goods there looking for a bargain.

There are a whole lot of ski and snowboarding shops there alongside with golf, tennis, baseball, basketball and what else? Running of course! I tell you, I was ever so ready to re-mortgage my house to buy the awesome stuff there.

All the completely blinding colours the running shoes that are on sale there. OMG! OMG! Dunno why, but I do so like to be easily identified when running. Bright pink, neon green, the likes.... white running shoes is soooo boring. heh heh
And to further prove my point, here's me in pink amongst a sea of white at one night running event I took part a few months ago in Putrajaya.

Back to the story, a staff at Mizuno store encouraged us to try the foot analysis for free but we declined. I'm afraid to fall into the deep abyss of wanting to buy after doing all those testing!
Not intimidated by the queue at this particular udon shop, we joined the herd and had a very nice udon lunch there. Gave the girl dishing out the udon bowl a headache because the ones that we wanted to order, I had no idea how to pronounce since it was written in kanji. I can do hiragana and katakana. Heck I can do Hangul too (OK, reading and mouthing the sounds aloud doesn't mean I know the language) but kanji... I concede defeat.

They were busy. The line was long. But a staff came out to us and took time to double confirm our order according to the picture shown. We bring chaos wherever we went in Japan. Be warned! heh! We are sorry we have caused you trouble, udon shop staff. ;p

The best thing of all this was, nobody behind us fidgeted and look over at us wanting to see the cause of the holdup. You know you are in Malaysia when just spending a few extra seconds at the automated gate over at Immigration would warrant a comment from the next person in line. "Why so slow?" is commonly heard. ;p
After amply filling our tummy, then it's time to do some serious shopping! Raimie sported a new Nike bag soon after and Mommy had a few purchases on her own. Mommy was very restraint and only spent 18,000yen for her running gears. No new shoes though, despite being so so so tempted to get at least one pair.

Daddy, who had looked at a few pair of Asics Made in Japan running shoes range, decided to not buy anything yet. Scrooge! LOL

By the time we were done, it was approaching 4.00pm and we decided to head back to our hotel and rested a bit before going out again for dinner and a bit of "grocery" shopping.

Such a boring day, eh? ^^

When it's time for a winter Hokkaido vacation in 2014 (planning way ahead, aren't we?), we are so going to drop by this area and buy our snow/ski stuff and whatnot. Unless of course, you kind soul out there willing to lend your stuff to us. *hint hint* hihihi

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