Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Third...

time we visited Kyushu. Our first visit was in 2007. Second one was in 2008. Third one in 2011.

Day 4 in Japan, we woke up in Yufuin. I wanted to wake up at 5.00am but somehow only managed to wake up at 7.00am.
First thing, had a hot spring bath to warm up the muscles before going out for an early morning walk with hubby to a nearby Lake Kinrinko (more like a pond to me).
Lovely view of autumn with splashes of colour everywhere we turn at Lake Kinrinko. More of the lake later. We spent about an hour there, before making our way back as tour groups started to swarm the lake area.
While Zaini head back to our cottage, I did a short run around for about 30 minutes. While doing my cool-down walk, got stopped by Japanese tourists asking for directions. I must look like a local. LOL
Passing time, Zaini had a more leisurely pursuit - enjoying his baths while looking at the colours of autumn while soaking in the hot water.
Returned to Hakata later, arriving at 3.00pm. Rested a bit in our hotel room before making our way out again, only to find that it was raining that evening. Decided to gamble it and made our way to Nakasu and Tenjin area and walk around looking for the famous yatai (food stalls). When it looked like the rain wasn't letting up, we quickly made our way to
the nearby Canal City and window shopped. We spent a couple of hours there and just when Raimie started complaining about getting tired, we found stores selling his favourite anime & tokukatsu series merchandises so he was happy for a while there. Deciding the rain wasn't gonna stop, we decided to just make a dash back to our hotel which was nearby Hakata Station.
 Rain did stop for a while and allowed us to enjoy the splendour of the illumination in front of Hakata Station. They are awesome!

The last activity for the day, and the most important one at that, we bought a cake to celebrate Raimie's birthday moments before the store closed.
Happy 9th birthday, Son! And as agreed, his birthday present was to be given the next day and we had to travel to Sasebo to present it to our Son. ^^

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