Thursday, December 15, 2011

To Tokyo!

After a rainy day visiting Enoshima and Kamakura; the next day continued to be a cold gloomy day. We checked out from our hotel in Kawasaki and head-off to Tokyo. Left our luggage at the hotel in Senzoku before walking around for a bit and finally made our way to meet up with a blogging friend in Tokyo; Minor.
Because the day was so cold, we ditched the plan to visit a couple of parks and instead Minor brought us to Sunshine City's Namco Namja Town.
Had a romantic ride on the Bianca Vita, the merry-go-round and then enjoyed a lovely dessert at Ice Cream City.
Afterwards, we had a spot of ping pong game and also Othello board game before dinner. Well, Zaini and Raimie did. I just sat around and take photos. ^^

Dinner was lovely. Minor and his wife were so hospitable to us that we felt kinda guilty for imposing on them.
While we chatted with Minor at the dinner table, his wife taught Raimie how to fold paper cranes. Did I tell you that Raimie loves origami? I did, right? :)

Pretty soon it was time to make our way back to our hotel and part company with our lovely hosts. Raimie spent hours in our hotel room afterwards folding paper cranes some more. All in all, it was a great day with an equally awesome company.

To Minor and wife, thank you so much for your kind hospitality.
We are blessed to meet generous people during our trip. :) By the way, there is another post about hospitable people in Japan over at my other site.

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