Tuesday, March 22, 2011

View From Godaido Island

More links for ways to help Japan - check out Bento4Japan. For myself, I couldn't agree more with this sentence taken from the site stating that "We had derived so much enjoyment from the Japanese culture and food, it is only right that we give something back to the country that had given us so much".

Also, Bird of Kano-man blog had informed me in his comment earlier about a Matsushima refugee's diary that we can all read and get updated on what's happening there.

Update : here's a link on Todd's How To Help Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors. Check it out. Also check out his Blog4Japan ( #blog4japan on Twitter) and help spread the word around on how we all can help the survivors.

Now, for Godaido Island.

Just some shots taken on Godaido Island, Matsushima in Miyagi which we visited in 2010.
Omikuji - scrolled up or folded, and unrolling the piece of paper reveals the fortune written on it. I'll put up a post on Omikuji in a few days' time, so do visit again if you want to know more about them. ^^
Souvenir shops.
Remember this temple from my earlier post?
And the view from the island is awesome. Hope the lovely view here can be enjoyed again soon by all.
Even with the crowd visiting the island and Godaido temple, you can feel serene enjoying the scenery here.

And oh! Another update on how to contibute towards the relief effort to Japan. Eat at Sushi-Tei. Or are you afraid to eat Japanese food now, for fear of radiation? I know few of my friends were thinking that way.

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