Monday, July 18, 2011

Akita On The Move - On The Akita Shinkansen

We didn't sight-see much in Akita. We went there a couple of times, true but it was mostly because of the trains that we wanted to take and that of course includes the Akita Shinkansen. What we saw in Akita were mostly through the trains' window. Maybe next time, we can actually plan to stop at a few towns and set foot on them!
At Akita Station. We didn't venture far from the station, what with our hotel for the night being right next to the station!
We arrived Akita Station way past my lunch time, so the first order of business that day was to look for a place to eat. We were supposed to arrive at 12.00pm actually, but I made the whole gang missed our train because I was busy taking photos (of trains) at Ueno Station. The next train that we got on arrived Akita station at around 2.00pm. I was famished!
We encountered a "toshigami" or two along the way. Those two are the "Namahage", right? They  sure are everywhere!

The Akita we saw on the Akita Shinkansen (on the Komachi, to be exact) was a breathtaking view of
crystal clear rivers
green mountains
vast expanse of paddy fields, all yellow and ready for harvest
a bit of these too...

Next - view from the Resort Shirakami Buna and the odd view from local trains and buses too. ^^

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