Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Things We Do On Our Vacation. 2. More Game Time

Our way to appease a might be cranky 8 year old and a treat for him being a good boy for not complaining or whining much after walking all that countless hours sightseeing in Japan.

And he sure look forward to it. We'd allow him have a go a couple of times at each cities we stopped by. But sometimes, when Daddy went out alone after dinner and Mommy needed time to do some shoes shopping and didn't want Son gets too fidgety while waiting, Mommy would bribe (errr.... treat) him and let him have a few more tokens to play.

Works for us and Raimie was one happy boy.
I've only seen primary-school kids playing at these data cardass machines thingy here in KL but in Japan it seems even high school students and salary-man play this too! Pretty normal to see kids liking this although I don't really see the attraction myself, but to see grown-up man playing this (instead of playing more grown-up games like say... pachinko?) is kinda weird. Grown men playing card battle games? Hmmm...

Some of you might be asking what on earth is a pachinko. Wanna know more about it? The head over to Reesan's for some insight. :)

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