Monday, July 4, 2011

Kawasaki Walking? Not So Much...

We didn't travel much around Kawasaki the two times we spent the night there so we only saw just a bit of the place but here's the bit of Kawasaki we saw.
The view from our hotel room at Nikko Hotel. One of those rare times we actually have a room with a view. ^^ We usually stayed at Toyoko Inn chain and the view from our room would either be the next building's wall or an empty lot in Tokyo if we were lucky! XD

Night view, again taken from our hotel room at Nikko Hotel.
A shopping arcade. Plenty of pachinko and game parlours along the streets too. Rows and rows of them! @.@
A pedestrian scramble in Kawasaki. Of course the famous pedestrian scramble would be in Shibuya

Tip on how to annoy others in your group when travelling - stop at random places and get left behind just so you can take photos. Then, pout a bit (A LOT) when you do get left behind and start an argument! Repeat this all through your vacation. LOL
Walking down the street. Where were we headed to? For some dinner and we found our favourite place for cheap eats - there is Yayoi-ken nearby Kawasaki Station. Yeay for cheap eats!
Ready for dinner!
My dinner. It cost less than 800yen and come with free refill of rice and all I can drink hot tea & cold water! ^^
A different view from this hotel room. This time, we stayed at Toyoko Inn and got ourselves a view of a carpark and a train station right in front of our room!
Entering our room at Toyoko Inn Kawasaki. It's an annexe from the main building hence the uncovered corridor to our room. But pretty interesting, and the car park view is sure nice. Well, much nicer than seeing a gray wall when you open the window!

So if we didn't actually go around the area to sight-see, why exactly were we there in the first place?
To bring our Son to this place - the place to be to meet Ultraman in Kawasaki! And meet his Heroes, he certainly did! Anyone wanting to meet Ultraman when they go vacation in Tokyo and ask me for a place to recommend, I always recommend this place to visit.
Ultraman Mebius greeting the kids
Raimie and Ultraman Zero.

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