Friday, February 17, 2012

Cover Story - Takamatsu

Manhole cover found in Takamatsu. I had Yokohama's manhole covers posted up earlier. More were posted in previous years too, and more coming up soon!
The no colour version
Colour version

The archer featured on these manhole cover Nasu no Yoichi of the Minamoto/Genji Clan during the Battle of Yashima

It's interesting what might motivate you to do research and learn history, no? In my case, the things I happened to step on made me learn more about Japanese history. Similarly, I started looking up on Korean history through watching "sageuks/사극" which is Korean for historical drama. The need to know the true historical facts of the era kinda making me "study" again. It's one thing watching a historical drama. It's another when someone is quite OCD about getting the facts right. xD

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