Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On The Run - Takamatsu (Day II)

After an interesting discourse over those blokes in Asakusa in my previous post, we are back to my running series post. What an anti-climax, eh? LOL

Do read my previous "On The Run" post too after finishing this. I had Yokohama, Yufuin and Takamatsu (Day I) posted up earlier.

I started my run on Day 2 in Takamatsu half an hour earlier than the day before because I wanted to do at least 10K that day. With such gung-ho spirit, I went out and decided it was too cold to run by the pier again so I decided to just hit the pavement beside Tamamo-koen and to avoid the strong wind I might feel if I run towards the lighthouse.
The pavement beside the park. Not too many runners on this pavement as opposed to the pier nearby. The day before, when I ran on the pier towards the beautiful glass lighthouse, there were plenty of runners about.For obvious reason - the view there was lovelier. And I saw the sun rise right before my eyes too. :)
A ferry jetty across the street from where I was running.

Made a few loops before the blister on my left heel started to bother me so I decided to cut short my run and ran back to our hotel. But ended up running towards the covered shopping street for a couple of kms before deciding to call it quits and walked back to the hotel. One thing good about running at the covered shopping street - it's warmer since there are no strong winds to make you cold but due my blister, I think I only managed a 6 or 7K run that morning. huhuhu

As I came back to our hotel room earlier than expected, it took Zaini awhile to open the door. I think I had to wait a full 5 minutes before he finally opened the door! I had thought he was in the bathroom but turned out he was so soundly asleep, he didn't hear me knocking the door.

Before you ask why I didn't bring an extra room key/ring the doorbell - we stayed at Toyoko Inn. Only 1 key is given and it's needed to switch on the light. And no doorbell at the rooms either. It's a budget hotel after all.
Later that morning, rather shamefacedly I have to confess that I did this when travelling in the train from Takamatsu to Okayama. I have no choice!
Remember this? This cute little blister that bugged me from Day 4 in Japan. (・∀・)

My feet was hurting and I need to put it up. Raimie didn't complain so I'm confident that my foot of mine didn't stink that day.

Anyway, the feet need to be put up for a while because if you remember, from  Takamatsu we went to Okayama, then made our way to Nara, made a short stop in Kyoto and then to Osaka before taking a midnight train up north. We were out and about from 10.00am till midnight!

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