Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cover Story - Yokohama

and random stuff found under our feet walking in Yokohama
The real Nippon Maru is located a few hundred metres away from where I found this manhole cover. The ship is now on permanent display in front of the Yokohama Maritime Museum.
The Yokohama Bay Bridge; a cable-stayed bridge opened in 1989. Can't help but think of our very own Penang Bridge when I see this.

By the way, I managed to get a few people at the office excited about entering the Penang Bridge International Marathon this year but I have yet managed to convince my own family to at least drive over to Penang and be there in Nov 17 -19 this year!

p.s. this is another series I've got, after Autumn Reminiscences and the ongoing On The Run series. ^^

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