Monday, February 6, 2012

On The Run - Takamatsu (Day I)

Read my previous "On The Run" post too after finishing this. I had Yokohama and Yufuin posted up earlier.

We arrived Takamatsu quite late the night before and I hadn't had the chance to recce the route for my run. But lucky for me, the port is only 1km from our hotel and it looked like a good bet for a good running place for me.
Started out at 6.30am and it was still dark outside. I'm so used of vacationing in Japan on other seasons that had the sun rising at 5.00am, it was rather a bummer for me to see the still dark sky at this time. It's like going out for my early morning run in Malaysia. Except it's colder. Waaaaaaaayy colder.
Walked the 1km as my warm-up and after seeing a few runners passed me by, I started my run from the Kotoden Takamatsu Chikko Station, past this art installation,
past by the rather quiet jetty with only a few ferries about, with passengers boarding them
up to the pier where the red lighthouse is, passing by men intently watching their fishing poles or putting baits on that cold Monday morning and plenty of people having their morning exercise and then double back and ran towards the apartment complex by the port area and then, head back to the lighthouse for a few more loops.

I was huffing and puffing doing my run yet many doing their rounds look so relaxed and they were way faster than me! Oh gosh! I probably looked like a lumbering bear there. (T_____T)
I probably won't see such scenery if I'm not into running and willing enough to wake up early. Watching the sun rises over the horizon while doing something I enjoy - priceless! And being able to share my experience makes me happy.

And that's why folks, I always run with my compact camera in hand. Yes, while running in road races too. ^^. Saying that, I probably should get myself a waterproof camera soon. I don't know how long my compact can withstand being drenched in my sweat. xD

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