Sunday, February 12, 2012


A post inspired by Rurousha's very interesting snippet about one particular rat-like boy(?) which is one of the many colourful statues that one can find in the street near Sensoji in Asakusa. Also, if you want to know the meaning of the word on the title, you'd have to read the comment section of  Rurousha's Rat Boy post! Go on. Go over and read. I bet you'll get hooked visiting her awesome blog. It's better than reading a history book! I promise! By the way, I forgot to mention that I love my history books. Give me history books and I'll devour it. Shouldn't be surprised that it was one of very few subject sI actually paid attention to in class. ^^

Anyways, in my rather "demanding" but going about it in a roundabout'ish way, I'm putting up a few photos of similar statues I found while walking around the street of Asakusa and hoping that Rurousha or other learned soul in or out of Japan can shed some lights on their story. 
 Another rat boy? Whatcha scaling the wall for, mister?
 A bloke fending off rat boy? Halt! Or I swipe your head with my umbrella.
Some blokes (and a bird) I don't mind chatting up. Pretty fit and energetic bunch of people, with excellent knowledge of the area. They are waiting for visitors to get on their jinrikisha (human-powered car). A fellow blogger, Kak Lela who resides in Okinawa commented that the rikisha guys (and gals) are university under-grads. They are athletes and strong runners. Oooooo.....
Rikisha guys in action. I did stop and eavesdropped but since my Japanese is negligible - can't understand a word they were saying. I would love to sit in the rickshaw someday- not only can I learn of the area more intimately but also a chance to ogle at hot butts! LOL
this one, a particularly blurry photo I took of Raimie waaayy back in 2006. The rikisha "oke" obligingly stopped when he saw me taking photos. I snapped a bad one but I felt guilty halting him and his customers.

Can't send chocolates to Rurousha to celebrate Valentine's Day so I hope this post dedicated to her would suffice. You gals in Japan - giving out a lot of chocolates come Valentine's Day tomorrow?

Anyways, chocolates to us ladies is encouraged. But chocolates to men from ladies is just not normal! Not for me anyway. I sure ain't gonna give guys chocolates because I should be the one getting them!

Update. Another one! ^^

Rurousha, the kind soul that she is, had gone back to scout/dig/unearth more info about the statues and you can read all about them (plus watch a clip too) over at her post titled "The Five Scoundrels on Asakusa Roofs".

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